Lending Approach

Lending Approach

Innovative Lending That Creates Healthier Communities and Improves Lives

For 25 years, we have been making impactful and prudent investments in organizations and companies that promote economic development, create employment opportunities for low and moderate-income residents, increase or maintain the availability of affordable housing, and expand access to healthcare and social services

We focus our lending on the areas of greatest need and employ our resources to create innovative financial solutions. By complimenting the financing available from traditional sources, we have successfully increased the amount of capital available to support the underserved markets across the Commonwealth.

A proven partner investing capital and expertise to build community assets that generate opportunity for our most vulnerable neighbors.

Affordable Housing

  • Produce and preserve affordable housing
  • Ensure housing is resilient, has a low-carbon footprint, and is safe and free from internal and external toxins
  • Prioritize creating units affordable to very low-income households and targeted populations
  • Target projects that connect residents to quality supportive services, jobs, schools, and community assets
  • Build wealth through affordable homeownership opportunities
  • Support anti-displacement strategies for long-time residents
See Our Affordable Housing Projects

Small Business

  • Healthy Foods: Expand affordable healthy food options in low-income communities, creating jobs and strengthening neighborhoods with commercial investments
  • Women & Minority Owned Businesses: Build wealth and create jobs
  • Opportunity Businesses: Create and retain quality jobs accessible to people with low-incomes
See Our Small Business Projects

Economic Development

  • Commercial & Manufacturing: Reinvigorate neighborhoods through the adaptive reuse of commercial real estate in underinvested neighborhoods, strengthening the tax base, creating jobs, providing essential services, and stimulating additional investment
  • Housing Production: Creating units affordable to moderate-income households to increase housing supply and reduce housing cost-burden for working families
  • Alignment with Concerted Strategies: Supporting projects consistent with broad strategies for economic and community development that have been developed with community leadership
See Our Economic Development Projects

Community Services

  • Community Health Care: Improve access to primary care, dental care and mental health services for underserved patients
  • Education: Increase access of low-income families to high quality K-12 and out-of-school learning opportunities
  • Early Education and Childcare: Increase access for low-income families to high-quality early education and childcare
See Our Community Services Projects

A Partner in the Process

We listen to what you are trying to achieve. We understand your financing challenges, draw on our experience and share our broad networks to problem solve collaboratively. We use our flexible loan capital to support your projects, craft pragmatic solutions, and respond in a timely and cost effective manner.

Our Loan Types

PCI finances the purchase of land and buildings. We will consider loan amounts that approach or even exceed 100% of the value of the property.

PCI provides financing for construction projects, advancing funds monthly after work has been completed and reviewed.

Once a borrower has a feasible project with an established project timeline and control of their site, PCI can finance the up-front costs related to working with architects, lawyers and engineers to advance the development to the construction phase.

When the cash coming in from a committed project source does not align with the construction schedule or funder requirements, PCI can help with a loan bridging tax credit equity, capital campaign pledges, public funding or other sources.

PCI can provide senior or subordinate mini-permanent or term debt to refinance commercial, mixed-use or multifamily real estate, or purchase fully leased properties.

We work with our partners to design the financing that meets the specific project or organizational need.

Who Qualifies

Eligibility for PCI financing is established by our founding legislation. We rely on three simple screens to determine whether we are the right financing partner.

  1. Location Test – Is the project or organization that needs financing located in Massachusetts? PCI lends across the entire Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but does not lend outside of the state.
  2. Mission Test – Will your project advance our mission to support our most vulnerable neighbors? Does it fit within our four broad programmatic buckets – Affordable Housing, Community Services, Economic Development and Small Business? 
  3. Fiduciary Test – Can the proposed debt be repaid on time and on schedule? 

How to Apply

Contact us to discuss your projects and potential financing needs. We love to learn about opportunities early in the development process and are available to brainstorm even before there is a loan to discuss. We do not have an application – we customize the information we request based on your specific project. Initial information that is helpful includes: 

  • short description of the proposed project; 
  • description of project sponsors/owner/critical partners highlighting relevant experience and track record; 
  • preliminary budget with proposed sources and uses even if early; 
  • timeline for project with major milestones for successful execution; 
  • highlights of project's intended impact; 
  • examples of community and or public support for the project or sponsor.

You can reach us by phone or email — we look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Us Today